Freud, Brentano and Dependent Concomitance
Freud, Brentano, Concomitant, Hylomorphism, DualismAbstract
In the field of interactions between the physical and the mental, the notion of dependent concomitance is one of the main pillars able to sustain not only Psychoanalysis’ sovereignty, but also that of Psychology as a whole. Formulated by Freud in his manuscript from 1891 regarding aphasias, it is usually associated with the contribution of the British neurologist John Hughlings Jackson. Not contradicting this judgement, the present work aims to examine this notion further in the light of the teachings of the philosopher Franz Brentano, Freud’s professor during his graduation in Medicine. In so doing, we intend to elevate the notion of concomitance beyond its condition of methodological imperative.
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