Related Autonomy as a Tendency in Development of the Self
New Evidence from a Brazilian Context
Related autonomy, Family generations, Caregivers of children, Self development modelsAbstract
Studies in Brazil on developmental trajectories of the self , mostly with mothers of young children, indicate a prevalence of the related autonomy model (RA). Aiming to broaden the investigation of this trend, two studies were realized: (a) with grandparents, mothers, fathers and their sons and daughters (16-25 years old), and (b) with four groups of caretakers
of children up to one year old, with diverse educational levels, non-randomly selected. We observed predominance of RA self for all participants. The effect of school level over autonomy was confirmed for fathers, RA of fathers and sons and daughters (study 1), and of mothers (study 2). Mothers who were raised in Rio de Janeiro (state capital) had higher autonomy scores. The results support the family consistency of the related-autonomy model of development of the self.
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