Construction and evidence of validity of the Objective Test of Reaction to Frustration
The aim of this article is to present the process of construction and initial validity evidence of the Brazilian Objective Test of Reaction to Frustation ”“ TRFO. Constructed from a projective version, the instrument consists of 31 situations that pictorially portray different reactions to frustration. Each situation has 11 possible answers, which represent different possibilities of reactions to frustration. The items were constructed from the analysis of free responses of 112 participants. These responses were transformed into phrases that represent each of the 11 possible reactions to frustration. For the validity evidence analysis, based on the internal structure, the TRFO was applied to 1766 participants from different Brazilian states. All the reactions were co-related to each other with low to moderate variations, corroborating the findings in the literature. The data suggest that the TRFO is a promising instrument in the evaluation of reactions to frustration.
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