The Phenomenological Research Method in the Philosophies of Existence and in the Psychology
Phenomenology, Method, Philosophies of existence, PsychologyAbstract
This article aims, first, to explain how the phenomenological method devised by Husserl is present in the thought of Heidegger, Sartre and Merleau-Ponty. Themes addressed by the philosophy as conscience, intencionality and perception will be discussed in order to show the three indispensable moments for a phenomenological research highlighted by Husserl: phenomenological reduction; description of internal vectors to the phenomenon and explanation of experiences. On the second, it going to meet the considerations of Giorgi and Goto, it argue that the Psychology the ownership of the phenomenological method in their investigations, should, considering the context of your study area, remain faithful at the three constituent moments of the phenomenological method.
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