Transition and (In)Adaptation to Nursing Home:

A Qualitative Study


  • Carla Gomes Faria Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo
  • Macedo Peixoto Carmo Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo


Aging, Transition, Adaptation, Institutionalization in nursing home, Social gerontology


One of the aging contexts is the nursing home, but little attention has been dedicated to the institutionalization
process, particularly from a developmental and ecological perspective. Thus, we designed a qualitative study to explore the
experience of transition and adaptation of 15 elderly who were institutionalized in a nursing home for more than a year.
Participants were interviewed and content analysis identified a common theme - Experience of Institutionalization, which
integrates three domains: Decision making, Process of institutionalization, and Positioning to institutionalization. The results
suggest that institutionalization is a transition that does not always result in adaptation, and that the elderly participation in the
decision making and the environmental characteristics are fundamental in this process.


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How to Cite

Transition and (In)Adaptation to Nursing Home:: A Qualitative Study. (2016). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 31(4), 435-442.