Narrative Analysis, the Construction of Meaning and Identity
Narrative analysis, Meaning, Identity, Positioning, Qualitative researchAbstract
Subjectivity is a phenomenon widely debated among narrativist perspectives in Psychology. One important
question in this area of research pertains to the analysis of narrative constructions of an individual in research contexts. In this study, we aimed to present and discuss an analytical approach to investigate the phenomenon of identity grounded on narrativist perspectives and discursive psychology, which are based on a specific form of narrative analysis: the positioning analysis. We present a case study with the objective to investigate the construction of meaning of identity by individuals who had bariatric surgery performed. Our goal is to broaden the discussion of analytical tools and link them to specific theoretical and methodological frameworks within the “interpretive turn”. We hope to show a plausible investigative approach integrating
narrative and subjectivity in Psychology.
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