Narrative Interlocution

A Study on Gender Roles


  • Maria Helena Favero Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília.
  • Inara Linn Maracci Psicóloga Clínica da Universidade de Brasília - UNB


Gender, Gender roles, Narrative, Focus group, Feminism


In this article we resumed the distinction between sex and gender and between sex and gender roles in
feminist psychology. We refer to antagonisms of naturalization and discuss the naturalization and we discuss the influence of femininity and masculinity ideologies on socialization. We describe a study on the conceptions of four women about gender roles, considering subjectivity in the data collection and analysis. Narrative and focus group are used, taking proposition and speech acts as units of analysis. We show six propositions connected to two main axes: living conditions and abandonment; the meaning and practice of motherhood. We discuss identification and attachment in gender socialization, advocating the role of psychological gender studies in social change.


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How to Cite

Narrative Interlocution: A Study on Gender Roles. (2017). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 32(2).