Interruption and Re-Start of Sex Life after Breast Cancer


  • Daniela Barsotti Santos Universidade de São Paulo
  • Manoel Antônio dos Santos Universidade de São Paulo
  • Vanessa Monteiro Cesnik Universidade de São Paulo
  • Elisabeth Meloni Vieira Universidade de São Paulo


Beast neoplasms, Sexuality, Sexual intercourse, Intimacy, Marital conflict, Couple dynamics


Interruption and the re-start of sex life after breast cancer treatment as well as satisfaction and other valued
aspects of the relationship were investigated. Mixed methods of data analysis were used including the results of a survey with 139 women and qualitative data of 24 interviews using a semi-structured guideline. An expressive proportion of women (66%) sexually active interrupted their sexual activities during the treatment. The results indicated that interruption and restart of sex life is related to personal conceptions of sexuality, and is influenced by the concept of gender and the quality of the relationship. The identification of needs related to the sexual intimacy by health professional can contribute to appropriate care of women in their process of psychosocial rehabilitation.


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How to Cite

Interruption and Re-Start of Sex Life after Breast Cancer. (2017). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 32(4).

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