Critical Review of Material Elements in Sandplay
Sandplay, Analytical psychology, Psychotherapy, clinical psychology, Psychological instrumentsAbstract
Sandplay is a therapeutic method within the Jungian approach and can be applied in clinical psychology using specific materials not well explored in scientific literature. A critical review was realized to describe and analyze some of these materials. A bibliographical search was conducted on databases (Lilacs, Medline, PsycInfo) and group research collection, from 1960 to 2009. The materials identified were: sand, sandtray, miniatures and sandplay photos. There are divergences related to the dimension of the sandtray, the typesetting of miniatures collections, specific usage of sand and photos. Some justifications for using these materials and the proposed procedures were based mainly on the Jungian symbolic approach. Clinical studies were recommended detailing the material elements and some procedures of sandplay.
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