Behavioral and Immunological Effects of Fluoxetine in Rats Submitted to Forced Swimming


  • Eduardo Vignoto Fernandes Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Solange de Paula Ramos Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Celio Estanislau Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Emerson José Venancio Universidade Estadual de Londrina


Immunomodulation, Body weight, Forced swimming, Fluoxetine


In the present study, behavioral and immunomodulatory effects of fluoxetine were evaluated with the forced swim test, an animal model of depression. In this model, floating behavior is responsive to antidepressants and is used as a behavioral index of despair. During 12 days, three times a day, two groups were treated intraperitoneally with saline or fluoxetine. Additionally, the humoral immune response to immunostimulation (sheep red blood cells) was evaluated. The animals treated with fluoxetine floated longer, showed decreases in body mass and had lower total production of antibodies. The results indicate simultaneous modulation of behavior and antibody production by fluoxetine.


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How to Cite

Behavioral and Immunological Effects of Fluoxetine in Rats Submitted to Forced Swimming. (2012). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 28(4), 409-415.