Creativity and Intelligence in Children:

Related Abilities?


  • Tatiana de Cássia Nakano PUC-Campinas


Creativity, Intelligence, Assessment, Elementary school


Considering the questions that still remain concerning the relationship between creativity and intelligence, this study aimed to investigate these constructs in children. A sample of 90 elementary school students (44 girls and 46 boys) with ages between 7 and 12 years responded to a nonverbal test of cognitive development (Human Figure Drawing Test) and a creativity test (Test of Figural Creativity for Children). Results on the cognitive test showed a significant correlation with the outcome of the creativity test (r=0.47, p<0.01), indicating that, in the present study, creativity and intelligence are related. As expected, creativity and cognitive development were shown to be characteristics that increase according to age. On neither of the tests significant differences between boys and girls were observed.


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How to Cite

Creativity and Intelligence in Children:: Related Abilities?. (2012). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 28(2), 149-159.