Subjective Vitality Scale ”“ SVS:

Evidences of its Psychometric Adequacy


  • Valdiney V. Gouveia Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Taciano L. Milfont Universidade Victoria de Wellington, Nova Zelândia Universidade Federal de Alagoas
  • Rildésia S. V. Gouveia Centro Universitário de João Pessoa
  • Emerson Diógenes de Medeiros Universidade Federal do Piauí
  • Kátia Correa Vione Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Ana Karla Silva Soares Universidade Federal da Paraíba


Vitality, Vigor, Well-being, Validity


This paper presents empirical evidence of the psychometric adequacy of the Subjective Vitality Scale (SVS), based on three studies. In Study 1, 200 undergraduate students responded the SVS. The SVS showed a unidimensional factor structure (a = .73). In Study 2, another 200 undergraduate students answered the same instrument. A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) confirmed the factor structure of Study 1, although item 2 was inadequate. Another CFA was realized without this item. Results were better than those considering all items (a = .75). Study 3 replicated these results with 200 elementary school teachers, and investigated the convergent validity of the SVS with satisfaction with life. It can be concluded that the SVS showed sufficient psychometric adequacy to support its use.


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How to Cite

Subjective Vitality Scale ”“ SVS:: Evidences of its Psychometric Adequacy. (2012). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 28(1), 05-13.

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