Qualidade de Vida de Sobreviventes do Transplante de Medula Óssea (TMO):
Um Estudo Prospectivo
Bone marrow transplantation, Quality of life, FunctionalityAbstract
This research aimed to analyze the quality of life of bone marrow transplantation (BMT) survivors. A longitudinal evaluation was carried out pre-BMT, immediately after BMT and post-BMT. The initial sample included 17 patients, 10 of who were evaluated in the three periods. The data collection instruments were: MOS SF-36 and FACT-BMT. The results revealed a significant decrease in quality of life when the patient left the nursing ward, especially in social and physical features. However, recovery in these aspects and improvement of others were observed, such as functional capacity post-BMT. No significant differences were observed between scores in the pre-BMT period and one year after the transplantation.
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