Reading Acquisition and Performance in WISC
Conditional discriminations, Exclusion procedure, Reading acquisition, WISC, School failureAbstract
The study investigated whether performances on WISC would be affected by reading acquisition. Children
with 0 % of baseline performances on reading isolated words were assessed by WISC, according to a quasi-experimental
design with pre- and post-test measures. After the initial assessment, all children remained in school, but six of them were
exposed to an experimental procedure to teach reading. The post-test performances in reading were higher for children exposed
to the teaching procedure, on trained words, but all children performed around 50% in reading new (generalization)
words. The I.Q. (total) increased for the experimental children, but decreased for control children. The observed relation
between exposure to the experimental procedure and increased I.Q. scores was not related to the emergence of generalized
reading (as suggested by previous data), but could be related to other variables in the experimental procedure.
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