The Reading of the Adolescent:
Semiotic Mediation and Text Comprehension
Text comprehension, Semiotic of culture, AdolescentAbstract
From the perspective of reader-text interaction, we report two studies carried out with adolescents of both
sexes, students of first high school levels from public and private teaching net of Distrito Federal. In the first, 30 adolescents
read two newspaper editorials (Folha de São Paulo and Correio Braziliense) about the Plebiscite for choosing form and system
of government happened in 1993, and after the reading they were interviewed. The results suggested an "impermeability" of
the subjects to written text and to questions related to school experience, and this gave occasion to the second study. In this,
168 adolescents read a text about violence in football stadiums published by magazine Veja (1995). After the reading, they
answered a protocol centered in text comprehension. Taking the propositions as analytical unity, the answers were analysed
according to the central elements of text content: context, process and actors. Five levels of complexity were obtained. The
more complex level showed the lowest frequency among the subjects, independent of sex, school grade, or type of school
(private or public). Also, independent of these variables, the most frequent answer was centered in only one of the actors, the
police, which figured in the title of the text. The second study confirmed the data of the previous one.
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