Cluster Analysis in the Repertory Grid Technique


  • Fabio Appolinário
  • Adail Victorino Castilho
  • Takechi Sato


Repertory Grid Technique, Cluster analysis, Constructivism


The aim of this preliminary survey is to explore some of the possibilities provided by cluster analysis applied
to the Repertory Grid Technique. Two analysis were performed: The analysis of the elements and the analysis of the constructs,
as defined by George Kelly's Personal Construct Theory. The produced dendrograms allowed to make a perceptive
map of the client (woman), helping to find which constructs and structures of constructs are related to her current psychological
problems. Results were compared to client's empirical and qualitative evaluations obtained in the clinical setting, providing
additional information that had not been raised by previous diagnostic sessions.


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How to Cite

Cluster Analysis in the Repertory Grid Technique. (2012). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 14(3), 203-207.