The Triadic Model Within the Context of Behavioral Therapy With Families


  • Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos Silvares Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo


Behavioral family therapy, Parent training, Triadic model


The text lies on behavioral descriptions made by well known authors on the three most frequent types of family
behavioral interventions: (1) parent management training, (2) contingency contracting, and (3) family training on problem
resolution. Reflexions based upon such definitions aim two objectives: (1) to clarify the meaning of the three types of
interventions within the triadic model where at least three persons work to reach the child behavioral change (consultor, mediator
and target); (2) to show that the triadic model extension was derived from a better comprehension of behavioral therapy which
required new forms of interventions also discussed in the text.


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How to Cite

The Triadic Model Within the Context of Behavioral Therapy With Families. (2013). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 11(3), 235-241.