Student-Tutored Small Group in Problem-Based Learning:
Factors and Outcomes
Small group, Problem-based learning, Peer tcaching, Motivational factors, Medical studentsAbstract
The issue of the adequacy of student-tutored small-group work in problem-based learning (PBL) was studied
in a single course. The subjects were 236 pre-clinical students. Measures of learning processes were examined as to their
interactions, their relationships with motivational factors, and their effects on a problem-solving test score. The results show
that the score of a problem-solving test was significantly related to both the usefulness of group discussion and the initial
motivation to learn, while the score of skills development was mainly related to 'produetive cohesion' in the group and
usefulness of study module. The effects of motivational factors on group processes seemed inexpressi ve. The findings suggest
that small-group work tutored by advanced students contribute to cognitive achievement in PBL. This effect is influenced by
both studenfs motivation and preparation.
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