Assisted Assessment:

Foundation, Definition, Attributes and Implications for Psychological Assessment


  • Maria Beatriz Martins Linhares


Assisted assessment, Dynamic assessment, Cognitive assessment, Psychological assessment


Based on Vygotsky, social-constructivist approach to cognitive development (Vygotsky, 1988), particularly the concepts of zone of proximal dcvelopment and mediated learning, one modality of assessment called assisted or dynamic
assessment has been proposed. This basically consists of one interactive measure that includes assistance during the evaluation
process of general or specific domain. Within a context of temporary and adjustable instructional support during the evaluation
process, one verifies how mutable the initial basic performance can be to attain higher leveis of functioning and reveal the
potential for learning. Since this proposal of assessment has important implications for the área of child psychological diagnosis,
the purpose of this study is to present the theoretical ground, a definition and the main characteristies of the conception of the
assisted assessment, besides identifying some of the implications for the psychological assessment.


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How to Cite

Assisted Assessment:: Foundation, Definition, Attributes and Implications for Psychological Assessment. (2012). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 11(1).

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