Conventional rules, Moral rules, Transgressions, Logical reasoningAbstract
Turiel (1983) argues that moral and social rules are
distinct domains with different courses of development and universally
stable at a very early age. However, this distinction was not found in Dias
and Harris (1990) among children from different SES families. Five-year-old
children from Orphanages accepted moral and conventional violations as empirically true. Thus, with the aim to evaluate the existence of an
evolution of the rules, we presented 7-year-olds from Orphanages with the
same syllogistic problems that convene either moral or conventional rules
and the same probe questions used in the previous study, and we
compared their results with those found in the present study.
Seven-year-olds also did not distinguish between moral and conventional
rules. However, they considered both forms of violations as very serious
and they only accepted them in an imaginary world. It seems there are
more atenuations to these violations among younger children from
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