Problem solving, Comparison, Spatial correspondence, Temporal correspondence, Effects of teachingAbstract
Comparison problems are difficult for young children. One
way of solving them is to use one-to-one correspondence, and there is
evidence that children use this strategy with concrete material. We
investigated the effect of experience in the use of either spatial or temporal
correspondence on children's later solutions to verbal
comparison problems. 180 children (pre-schoolers and first graders) in two age-levels
(5/6 and 6/7 years) from three schools ín Recife, Brazil, were randomly
assigned to a control or the experimental groups, in which case they were
taught how to use correspondence procedures (spatial or temporal) to
solve comparison problems. Pre- and post-test comparisons showed
significant gains only for the spatial correspondence group without a
significant interaction with age. Children in this group showed performance
at leveis hígher than those reported in the literature, an encouraging result
for mathematics education.
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