
  • Richard Bucher Universidade de Brasília
  • Denise Doneda Universidade de Brasília
  • Edylla L. P. de Oliveira Universidade de Brasília
  • Elias Abdala. Filho Universidade de Brasília


In the present paper, the responses to some open
questions included in a survey about the Knowledge and use of
substances among students in Brasilia, conducted during 1986, are
analysed. The inhalant substances are reported as the more frequently
consumed products, followed by use of substances in group of
psychotropic agents. As more easily obtained drugs, marinuana, "loló",
"glue" and cocaine ar considered. The discrepancies between their use
and the opinions regarding the easiness in obtaining them are explained
with reference to the stereotype of social representation, which considers
as "drugs" only the illicit or illegal products, it is concluded that any steps
which are to be taken to affect the "drug problem" have to take into account the overall socio-economic situation in which it occurs, the
personal motivations and the incentives to the user's aptitudes by society,
instead of focusing only on the availability of the product, in a model of
repessive approach.


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