The aim of the present research was to compare the performance
of subjects in the three operational tasks of Permutation, Quantification of Probabilities and Hanoi Tower applied to 60 high school students
(both male and female), from the first, second and third grades (20
in each group), ranging from 15 to 20 years of age. The performance of
the subjects in the tasks was correlated to the mathematics average grades
obtained by the students during-the year. Comparing the three tasks,
the subjects had a better performance in the Hanoi Tower Task even
though the results were low regarding the level of formal operations in all
three tasks (around 50%). The male subjects performed significantly better
only in the Quantification of Probabilities Task. There was no significant
age difference in any of the tasks. Only in the Quantification of Probabilities
and Hanoi Tower Tasks, there was a significant difference regarding
the schooling level, favoring the more advanced grades. There
was no correlation between the performance of the subjects and Mathematics
grades in any of the tasks.
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