
  • Nilce Pinheiro Mejras Universidade de São Paulo


Starting with concepts of clinical psychology found in the
literature, this article aims to relate the clinical psychologist modes of
action and the type of research following those modes. For that purpose
it considers two varieties of treatment: individual and community
treatment. In both varieties clinicians are mainly concerned with: 1)
detecting people's problems and its determinants - area of assessment
and diagnosis; 2) generating means for its solutions - area of therapy
and intervention. As referring to research, psychologists would be
correspondently concerned a) with problems envolved in clinical
assessment and diagnosis and b) with the development of procedures and analysis of the process of therapy and intervention. Still, in the case
of community treatment, the article suggests the consideration of
action-research - a type of research which aims to contribute both to the
praticai concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to
the development of scientific knowledge.


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How to Cite

MODES OF ACTION AND RESEARCH IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY. (2012). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 3(2), 166-177.