
  • Aroldo Rodrigues Universidade Gama filho


The article takes the position that social psychology,
through an activity truly scientific, can contribute to the understanding
and the solution of social problems. First the author points out the
considerable divergence of positions insofar as the concept of social
psychology is concerned among different authors, as well as the
method best fitted to the study of psycho-social phenomena. He also
defends the position whereby scientific research may be theoryoriented,
problem-centered, methodological or evaluative (Deutsch,
1 980) and that the results derived from it enlighten the work of those
dedicated to the applications of science. The conflict between the
superpowers - USA and URSS - is analyzed in the light of several
constructs, principies and theories of social psychology, showing that
this discipline is capable of understanding complex social situations.


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How to Cite

0N IGNORING THE APPLICATIONS OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. (2012). Psicologia: Teoria E Pesquisa, 2(1), 42-55. https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/revistaptp/article/view/16988