The transnational as a vector of sociological analysis: a survey of the presence of the global scale in recent national production
transnational, sociology of culture, scientometrics, analytical scale, transnationalismAbstract
In this article, we carry out an extensive survey of the presence of the transnational dimension in the construction of problems and perspectives in sociological research in recent decades. Whether treated as a transversal and analytical notion, or as a mere attribute or characteristic of the object in question, the survey presented here quantifies articles (National impact factor CAPES A1 and A2 magazines for sociology) and theses, and dissertations (CAPES Catalog) that have somehow considered the transnational dimension of social phenomena in the construction of the approach between the late 1990s and the begging of the 2020s, with special attention to works related to the themes of the sociology of culture. The intention is to carry out a discussion about the relevance of this observation scale in the discipline's research agenda. After all, has the fact that certain social practices are carried out across national borders specifically implicated social science research? Has there been a growth in the presence and relevance of this sphere of analysis in research over the past few years? Has there been any significant change in interest in the implications of this factor for the phenomena analyzed? This preliminary survey will try to answer these questions and suggest some interpretations.
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