Maternity, Gender And Access To Health In Times Of Pandemic, In The City Jacaraú – PB


  • Vitoria Ferreira Mamede


Gender, Isolation, Health


The analysis to be presented deals with the health routine of maternal and postpartum care in a pandemic context in the city of Jacaraú, in the interior of Paraíba, a city has 14 thousand inhabitants, and until the moment of this research there were no Family Health Programs (PSF). The unit addressed in this article was included in the hospital that treats cases of coronavirus where there was also no pediatric care, and all assistance to mothers and children came through the childcare WhatsApp group. From the observation of these procedures, reections on frequent situations in that circumstance arose, such as the damage of the propagation the "insignicance" of the virus, and how much this causes diculty in the adoption of preventive methods and in the access of pregnant and postpartum women to public health services. The research also seeks to relate gender issues, which are present and persistent in the midst of the pandemic, mainly with the care and health of the child. Once the PSF proved to be a mostly female environment. The research highlights the imposition of the “female role” in social isolation, which proved to be a setback, bringing an overload for women in the domestic, social and professional context.


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How to Cite

Maternity, Gender And Access To Health In Times Of Pandemic, In The City Jacaraú – PB. Pós - Revista Brasiliense de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Sociais, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 1, p. 80–96, 2022. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jan. 2025.