NFT, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Copyright, Tokenization.Abstract
This academic work aims to make a brief analysis of a contemporary topic with significant potential for economic exploitation of intellectual work protected by the copyright law, which is the impact of applying non-fungible tokens. In order to do so, the origin of NFT, the application of blockchain technology and the creation of NFT associated with the execution of smart contracts were examined. Then, the two focal points of the research, the NFT and copyright, were correlated, where a brief analysis of the historical evolution of the theme was made, particularly in the arts market, developing a more accurate analysis of the impact of the applied use of NFT to copyright, pointing out the sensitive points of copyright tokenization. In the end, a brief conclusion is made in which more challenges are pointed out than categorical answers, and contractuality and atypicality as allies of the realization and use of this technology.
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