Algunas reflexiones sobre la covid-19 y turismo en Cuba.

Un futuro incierto de recuperación.




Cuba is an attractive and complex tourist destination to analyze due to its many, varied, interesting resources as well as its privileged geographical location among the Caribbean islands and Central America. Besides, it acquired significant geopolitical importance in the last sixty years with regards to Latin America and considering the divergent relations with its nearby, powerful neighbor, the United States of America. In 2018 tourism as a source of revenue held the second place in the Cuban economy, with an average annual growth of 11% between 1990-2007 and 6% until 2016, when it adjusted to the international reality. From 23 March 2020 Cuban tourism came to a halt with the closure of ports and airports, a measure dictated by the growing numbers of people infected with the novel Coronavirus, SARS COV2  resulting from contact between Cubans, tourists and migrants presenting the virus, often asymptomatically. From the onset of Covid-19 in Cuba the treatment available to patients, irrespective of their being nationals or tourists, was given completely free of charge, including testing, medicines and hospital care. At this point in time, it is difficult to forecast how long the recovery process will take amidst a strong recession of economies worldwide, together with the additional difficulties Cuba must face while subjected to the United States of America imposed on economic, financial and commercial blockade since 1961. Promoting safety and an integrated, inclusive health system could be a positive action to recover international tourism as preoccupation with their wellbeing will be a deciding factor for tourists choosing a destination to visit post pandemia. This pandemia has demonstrated, more clearly than ideology or discourse, the inexorable need and the vital importance of public goods: health, research, education, not forgetting the solidarity among people.

Author Biography

  • Eros Salinas Chávez, Universidad de La Habana

    Formación: Licenciado en Geografía. Universidad de La Habana

    Titulación: Doctor en Ciencias Geográficas. Universidad Estatal de Kiev. Ucrania. Postdoctorado en Geografía en UFMS /CPAQ.

    Categoría docente: Profesor Titular. Universidad   de La Habana.

    Categoría científica: Investigador Titular. Instituto de Geografía Tropical. Cuba 

    Dirección personal: Calle 10 # 40913, entre 13 y 15, Santiago de las Vegas, CP17200, La Habana Cuba.

    Institución actual. UFMS / CPAQ. Brasil.  Profesor Invitado Extranjero.

    Correo electrónico:

    Whatsapp:   (53) 5 250 4515


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How to Cite

Algunas reflexiones sobre la covid-19 y turismo en Cuba. : Un futuro incierto de recuperación. (2020). Cenário: Revista Interdisciplinar Em Turismo E Território, 8(14), 17-25.