Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, pintor da modernidade? Reflexões a partir do opúsculo de Baudelaire
Bordalo. Baudelaire. Modernity. Caricature. LaughAbstract
In this paper, we propose an interpretation of the work of the Portuguese 19th-century caricaturist, Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, using the essay by Charles Baudelaire, "Le peintre de Ia vie moderne". This reading follows a threefold purpose: to determine a set of correspondences between what the French author advocates and what Bordalo's works reveal; Reflect on their relationship with Modernity and, in this way, on our own; Characterize the privileged mode as the caricature is inscribed in the modem ethos. This path leads us to introduce the idea, which we believe to be innovative, of a laugh of inclusion, along with the already conventional laughter of exclusion and laughter of hospitality.
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