Fourmillante cité na poesia de Baudelaire


  • Marcos Antonio de Menezes Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)


Cities. Literature. Baudelaire. Modem Art


Baudelaire, when peering the city imposed a style forthe understanding of "modem art". It is in the Tableaux parisiens - in his pictures of Paris - that he best shows the brilliance of his modernity. His reading of the city and the crowd, which paraded through its streets, created followers. Walter Benjamin, while reading the poet of Les Fleurs du Mal, theorizes about the effects of urban growth on people's lives. The writings of these two men are the basis of understanding, that much of the human Sciences about the phenomenon of modem cities.

Author Biography

  • Marcos Antonio de Menezes, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

    Professor da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)


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