Sociedade com escravos no Paraná provincial
Labour. Slavery. Production. MarketingAbstract
The present research is to evaluate the formation of Paraná society during the late eighteenth century and much of the nineteenth century. The economic and social structure was founded primarily on mining activity, which in time gave way to the activities of livestock and food crops, as well as the extraction of mate. His occupation is a result of the dynamism of the more developed regions of the colony, and mining activity was predominant to implement the first urban centers in the region. The demand for metais like gold and silver is key to the creation of settlements in the region. The border has provided extensive concerns about the Brazilian Empire territorial defense and economic expansion in the region. With the decline of mining activities, it creates the conditions for a significant portion of the population turns to the Campos Gerais meet their needs for survival. This raises the activity of farming, which absorbs this expanding segment of the population involved in the work of mining. With these conditions, the hand-free and slave labor played key roles in shaping society Paraná, structuring and consolidating the internai market and giving support to the development of the region.
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