O exílio de dois Gonçalves
poesia e nacionalismo no século XIX brasileiro
Brazilian Romanticism. Literary nationalism. Poetry and exile. Nation and representation. Literary systemAbstract
One of the fundamental features of the Romantic movement in Brazil is the literary treatment of nationalism. Several authors highlight this feature in their analysis of the period, referring mostly to the classic study of Antonio Cândido, Formação da literatura brasileira (2009). From this criticai perspective, the authors of Romanticism in Brazil had among its objectives to equip the country's literature of local consistency and cosmopolitan projection. This work aims to verify this issue by performing a comparative reading of two poems of great authors to the nineteenth century Brazil, "Canção do Exílio" by Antonio Gonçalves Dias, and "Adeus à pátria", by Domingos José Gonçalves de Magalhães. Brought into comparison, the two poems demonstrate an awareness of the literary nationalism that, on the one hand, draws its poetic power of a situation of exile and, on the other, is capable of winning aesthetic and political maturity over the years that separate the two texts.
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