Beyond Prometheus: human/nature relations and the AgriCulture of Enchantment


  • Iran Neves Ordonio Agronomia UFRPE
  • Carla Ladeira Pimentel Águas DPCT, Unicamp



Xucuru do Ororubá, territorial management, anthropocene, indigenous peoples


The objective of this article is to discuss other models of territory management and the human/nature relationship based on the experience of the cosmo-management of the Xukuru of Ororubá, focusing on the knowledge and experiences called AgriCulture of Enchantment. Far from the predatory paradigm of contemporary neoextractivism, this agriculture reflects ways of life that, as a whole, promote living on the land without compromising the biological and spiritual life of the Motherland, understood as a living macro-organism, home of the Ororubá enchanted kingdoms. In methodological terms, we resort to literature review and autobiographical narrative to discuss the basilar dichotomy between human and nature of modern Western thought, which leads us to the need for dialogue with other epistemic matrices that are founded on principles such as regeneration and reconnection.


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Dossier Ecoterritorial Resistances of Indigenous Peoples to Contemporary Neo Extractivism

How to Cite

Beyond Prometheus: human/nature relations and the AgriCulture of Enchantment. (2024). Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas, 16(2), 324-349.