Communication as the Centrality of Public Health and Energy Policies
Democratic and citizen reflections on the Basic Environmental Plan of the Usina Hidrelétrica de Estreito
Basic Environmental Plan, Health, Communication, CitizenshipAbstract
In view of the environmental impacts in the health area, caused as a result of the installation of powerplant, such as the proliferation of endemic diseases, such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, cholera, leishmaniasis and infectious-contagious-parasitic diseases, such as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs ), this article analyzes the Basic Environmental Plan (PBA) of the Usina Hidrelétrica de Estreito, located in the states of Maranhão and Tocantins. The PBA is a set of programs aimed at mitigating social and environmental impacts, a condition for issuing the Preliminary License. Based on the methodological approach of Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2016), the 35 PBA Programs were investigated under a communicational perspective. It contemplates a qualitative analysis of five programs that address health impacts as central. As a result, it is observed that a more instrumental than a procedural perspective of communication is adopted. The programs establish communication and environmental education actions as proposals to mitigate impacts and link the reduction of environmental and social damage to the effectiveness of the actions. From authors such as Fearnside (2015); Nielsen (2001); Stevanin and Murtinho (2021) and Vainer (2007), reflect on the inseparability between health, communication and citizenship, in addition to the need for greater participation of social actors and a systemic perception of processes relevant to Environmental Licensing.
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