Xukuru indigenous peoples from Ororubá, the Brazilian State and International Law
how to guarantee fundamental rights and human rights?
Human Rights. Fundamental Rights. Indigenous People. International Organizations.Abstract
This article analyzes the legitimacy of international organizations in the face of human rights violations in view of the State's negligence in relation to the fundamental guarantees of peoples, discussing the case of the Xukuru Indigenous People of Ororubá from the perspective of the Habermasian Fundamental Rights Theory and international relations, from the perspective of Roberto Lyra Filho. The text seeks to answer the question: how to act in the face of the violation of Human Rights in the face of the State's negligence in relation to the realization of fundamental rights guaranteed to the members of the nation? Under the assumption that when a nation-state fails to respect fundamental rights, human rights, it is necessary to seek international relations in which the author takes a favorable position to interference by international organizations, to guarantee the condition of equal belonging to the nation pact, to guarantee the condition of subjects of equal rights and equal freedoms within the political community. The study was developed through qualitative research and documentary analysis from the following categories: human rights, fundamental rights, constitutional subject, popular sovereignty, resulting in a narrative that denounces the violation of human rights and fundamental rights by all the powers of the State and the activation of an international organization that ruled in favor of indigenous peoples.
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