Crisis of Liberal Democracy, Neoliberalism and Bodies on the Street in Contemporary Brazil
Reflections about the public policy of cuts in resources to public education and insurgent sparks
Democracy; popular demonstrations; neoliberalism; public higher educationAbstract
This article, methodologically counted with bibliographic review, discuss neoliberalism and the crisis of liberal democracy, taking as object of analysis the decisions concerning budget cuts in public higher education announced by the Federal Executive Power on May 2019. It considers the precariousness of public higher education in Brazil as part of an austerity project that is spreading across the West, and whose scope is the annihilation of democratization, inclusion and participation programs - especially hostile in Latin American territory. Finally, it faces resistances to the process, especially those organized in popular demonstrations by students and teachers, as the powerfull “bodies alliances” that resignify “people” and dispute the “politician” in regression, insurgent sparks in the context of austerities
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