The Role of Fear in History
Heterophobia and mass paranoia in the making of racist violence
Fear, Racism, Violence, Historical SociologyAbstract
In this article, based on the perspective of Historical Sociology, we present some considerations about the role of fear in historical experience. Emotions and feelings, such as fear, heterophobia and mass paranoia have been and are responsible for the production and reproduction of innumerable historical cases of racist violence. For the development of the analysis, we proceed initially to a conceptualization of racism, incorporating the key of fear in the theoretical definition of the phenomenon. Next, a set of historical examples in which fear and mass paranoia played an active role in the production of racisms and violence are discussed. Finally, some recent examples that demonstrate the persistence of racism, violence and fear in contemporary times are presented. The discussion makes explicit the importance of taking the role of fear seriously in the analysis of historical experience, demonstrating the need for a conceptual definition of racism that takes into account the key of fear, besides questioning the possibilities of suppression and elimination of racism in human societies.
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