Research in Political Science and Indigenous Peoples in Canada: an interview with Christopher Alcantara


  • Leonardo Barros Soares UFMG



Christopher Alcantara is a professor of political science at Western University in London, Canada, and has dedicated himself to the study of indigenous peoples and Canadian indigenous politics from this disciplinary field. His book Negotiating the Deal: Comprehensive Land Claims Agreements in Canada, published by the University of Toronto Press in 2013, received several major awards and was a reference for researchers in the field. In this interview, we sought to present this important author of the field of Canadian political science to the Brazilian academic community, reviewing the main arguments of his two most recent books. Alcantara discusses the challenges of doing scientific research that is, at the same time, decolonial and emancipatory, in addition to bringing concrete benefits to the indigenous communities involved. Finally, the researcher gives advice to those who want to start their studies on this topic of research and do not know where to start. With this interview, we aim to strengthen the academic exchange of ideas and research methodologies between Brazil and Canada, instigating the interest of undergraduate and graduate students and students for issues related to the indigenous issue in both countries.


AUTOR. Povos indígenas e governos locais. Revista de estudos e pesquisas sobre as américas. No prelo.

ALCANTARA, Christopher. Negotiating the deal: comprehensive land claims agreements in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013.

ALCANTARA, Christopher; NELLES, Jen. A quiet evolution: the emergence of Indigenous-local intergovernmental partnership in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.

ALCANTARA, Christopher. Beyond the Indian Act: Restorment Aboriginal Property Rights. McGill-Queen's University Press, 2010.

FLANAGAN, Tom. First Nations? Second Thoughts. McGill-Queen’s University Press,2000.






How to Cite

Research in Political Science and Indigenous Peoples in Canada: an interview with Christopher Alcantara. (2020). Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas, 14(1), 21-27.