Geopolitics of an Announced Return

Neoliberal Hybris in the Latin American Region and the rightist of the World


  • José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Neoliberalism - Militarization - State


Some approaches by Walter Benjamin and Antonio Gramsci are recovered to describe the social atmosphere in which the process of fascism unfolded in Europe in the second quarter of the 20th century. Then it is argued how similarly the struggle to impose global neoliberalism is based on similar principles of individualistic and competitive behavior. The place that Latin America occupies in the historical drift of this process underscores the importance of our region, and what is in dispute. The battle against the alleged irreversibility of the neoliberal social form shows processes of persecution for those who oppose it. When these forces come to govern and lead the state apparatus, they face a whole consolidated network of quasi-supra-constitutional agreements and complicities that try to promote a disciplinary or persuasive message in Latin America to prevent the beneficiaries of this economic model from seeing their voracious interests diminished. The fight for the State and where it leads; towards alternative (always uncertain), or factional (which are covered by the principle of an unrestricted respect for “legality”), it seems to be the great challenge facing the South of the world today.


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How to Cite

Geopolitics of an Announced Return: Neoliberal Hybris in the Latin American Region and the rightist of the World. (2020). Journal of Resarch Studies on the Americas, 14(1), 28-45.