Haitians in Paraná (Brazil) in 2018: crisis strategies
Haitians, habitus, migratory capital, economic crisis.Abstract
The present article is part of set of studies on migratory flow and socioeconomic insertion of migrants in the Latin American context. The analysis presented concerns the research carried out during the month of August of 2018, together with 29 Haitian immigrants living in the city of Curitiba (PR) and its surroundings. Through the application of a semi-structured interviews and the organization of a focus group about migration and socioeconomic insertion, we present a discussion about the ways in which these immigrants can deal with the economic and employment crisis that Brazil has experienced since 2015. We specifically investigate how this group of immigrants is facing social and economic setbacks - unemployment, housing and future perspectives - including the informal and subtle social constraints that exist in their spaces of circulation and sociability. Using Pierre Bourdieu's Theory of Practice (1930-2002) as a frame of reference, we analyze the extent to which migratory journeys and strategies are the result of incorporated disposals (habitus) and acquired capitals even before the migration act, also observing how the diverse social practices and discourses are activated and externalized in the daily management of the situations experienced in the host society.
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