The Principle of Best Interest and the new Legal Condition of Separated or Unaccompanied Refugee Children: an approach on Brazil and Italy
Refugees - separated and unaccompanied children - Brazil - Italy.Abstract
The article intends to approach the treatment conferred by Brazil and Italy on separated or unaccompanied refugee children, through their respective normative documents. In this context, this paper presents, first of all, the recognition of the feeling of childhood and the consolidation of the principle of the best interest of the child by the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. In addition, it deals with the regulation of the refugee institute and application to young people under 18 (eighteen) years. Subsequently, it seeks to demonstrate the innovations established by Italian Law No. 47/2017 (Zampa Law) and by the Joint Resolution of August 9, 2017 in Brazil, specifying the main regulated points. Finally, it is concluded that, although there are laws in Brazil that deal with refugee issues, there is a need to implement specific legislation that explicitly recognizes the rights of children under these conditions, in the manner of the Italian case. For the preparation of this study, the method of bibliographical revision was used, based on the use of works and articles related to the specialized literature in the areas of Law and Political Science, as well as the method of analysis of documents originating from various national and international bodies that on the subject matter.
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