Have you ever been at Portugal dos Pequenitos? From ludic-educative fruition to (anti)colonial reflexion
Portugal dos Pequenitos; portuguese colonization; colonial relation; colonial education.Abstract
Portugal dos Pequenitos is a children’s theme park located in the city of Coimbra, Portugal. It is a work of the Estado Novo (1933-1974) aiming the construction of the Portuguese national identity under the pillars of history, culture and the valorization of the civilizational dimension of the empire. It is an educational space strongly frequented by children either accompanied by their parents or guardians or through school visits. From a point of view of three Latin American women and in order to understand the way in which the process of colonization is conceived and, consequently, materialized and diffused in the Park, this text analyses narratives and images present in the galleries of the park registered by the authors during a site visit. From the point of view of anticolonial theories, we identified in Portugal dos Pequenitos a Eurocentric narrative of the Portuguese colonial project and, therefore, the diffusion of a distorted version of the colonizer-colonized relation for its visitors.
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