The Relevance of the Lenin’s Concept of Financial Capital to the Understanding of Contemporary Capitalism
financial capital, imperialism, financialization, ficticious capitalAbstract
This work investigates the pertinence of the concept of financial capital in Lenin, to a great extent tributary of its elaboration by Hilferding, for a reading of the contemporary capitalism. To do so, we begin presenting the construction of this concept in both authors. From there, we move to a historical and conceptual characterization of the financialization of capitalism in the last decades, and, finally, to the relevance of the leninian concept to the understanding of this new phase. We conclude by presenting a hypothesis that the concept of financialization do not represent a complete and irreconcilable rupture with the concept of financial capital, but a radicalization of its less productivist and industrialist trends. This is because the singularity of Lenin, in relation to Hilferding, is in having considered the monetary dimension of value theory.
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