Instituições do Estado desenvolvimentista na América Latina no contexto pósneoliberal: os casos do Brasil e Argentina em perspectiva comparada
developmental state. Brazil. Argentina. Institutions.Abstract
The paper analyzes traits of developmental state in the post-neoliberal era in Brazil and Argentina. The emergence of a postneoliberal era in Latin America is associated, under different ideological shades, to the strengthening of social policies and to the resurge of the state in the design and incentives to foster economic development strategies. Institutions and organizations politically and economically committed are a fundamental tenet for the efficacy of development strategies. As of literature, the challenge of building a developmental state requires the combination of an enabling state carrying out a industrial upgrading strategy together with greater social inclusion. A relevant difference in the Brazilian case towards the Argentinian was the survival of developmentalist institutions from early industrialization period with a special emphasis for BNDES. By verifying the relationship between state and development in both countries, it was possible to identify four major differences between Brazil and Argentina: a strong financial development institution and strong public financial institutions, a greater state capacity with a stable and meritocratic bureaucracy in Brazil, long term social policies and a more cooperative relationship between business and the state.
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