Punishment as a device of power and dominance within the geo–social building of Iberian America


  • Marcelo Berdet Universidade de Brasília


punishment, coloniality, race, difference, other


In the geo–social building of Iberian America, punishment must be deciphered and understood in retrospect, as a colonial institution within which rationality was subject to social, economic and political forces and forged through historical events. In other words, punishment contributed to the settlement of the colonial authority as guarantor of hierarchical and unequal social relations. Thus, decoloniality offers a historical account and intersubjective viewpoint from the perspective of the “other” on processes of power and dominance enacted upon the non–white population in the Americas through punishment as a racialised device. The colonial punishment regime might be seen as governance and institutional regulation over the population, in particular, the labour force. Colonial difference throughout state social restraint provisions enforced generalised forms of behaviour for territory and population. In general terms, colonial difference placed who and how to punish across social interactions between ruler and ruled.


  • Marcelo Berdet, Universidade de Brasília

    Doutor em Sociologia pela Universidade de Brasília (2015). Mestre em pesquisa social pela Goldsmith University of London (2008). Especialista em Sociologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1996). Graduado em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (1993). Pesquisador do Núcleo de Estudos Sobre Violência e Segurança; Grupo de Pesquisa Violência, Cidadania e Segurança, ambos na Universidade de Brasília–DF; Pesquisador do Grupo de Pesquisa Política Criminal, Faculdade de Direito/CEUB–DF.


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Punishment as a device of power and dominance within the geo–social building of Iberian America. Revista Latino-Americana de Criminologia, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 1, p. 222–241, 2021. Disponível em: https://periodicostestes.bce.unb.br/index.php/relac/article/view/35956. Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.