An Exploratory Study of Post-Consumer Reverse Logistics In the Optical Products Market
Optical Markets. Post Consumer Strategies. Reverse Logistics.Abstract
In Latin America, Brazil leads the ranking in human vision handicaps, with more than 90 million people suffering from some kind of ametropia, or blurred vision. This explains the dramatic increase in the use of glasses. According to optimistic marketing forecasts, the Brazilian optical market can double in size in a short time. This study aims to conduct an exploratory study in order to devise and propose the development of reverse logistics practices of post-consumer optical products within the market, something which has been still little explored by most the optical companies. Through the evaluation of three companies in the city of Caruaru, in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, this paper proposes a set of tools to achieve a competitive advantage and value creation by bringing significant gains in the economic, environmental and social arenas.
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