Table of Contents
J.L.R. Masthead, Editorial Board, Double-Blind Peer-Reviewers, Letter from the Editor-in-Chief, Table of Contents
Parole chiave:
law, regulationAbstract
Dear Reader,
We are pleased to introduce the first issue of volume 1 of the University of Brasilia Journal of Law and Regulation (JLR).
During this inaugural year, the journal will publish a number of original articles on such topics as antitrust, labor, and tax regulation, as well as regulatory analyses on health, ICT, energy, transportation, infrastructure, futures market, and microcredit.
With each issue, we plan to introduce new topics to add perspective on the regulatory phenomenon.
In this issue the journal publishes a number of original articles. We are delighted to include articles on generic top-level domain disputes, broadcast preponderant agent regulation, leniency antitrust program regulation, net neutrality, right to be forgotten in cyberspace, right to psychological integrity in workplace, cigarette tasters regulation, theory of regulation v. separation of powers, port concession regulatory model, tax regulatory process, and regulation of agricultural commodities futures market.
For future issues, we will continue to publish articles on all regulated sectors from law and interdisciplinary perspectives, especially related to advances at the intersection of law and regulatory practice.
We hope you have enjoyed reading our first issue, and we look forward to a second issue to be released on October.
Prof. Marcio Iorio Aranha
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Law and Regulation, University of Brasilia Law School
On behalf of the Editorial Board
Riferimenti bibliografici
Preponderant agent, what is that?
Análise da conformação normativa do Programa de Leniência Brasileiro à luz da Teoria dos Jogos
Neutralidade de Rede: Finalidade, Eficácia, Efetividade e Eficiência
Regulação do Direito ao Esquecimento no Ciberespaço: Heterogeneidade de Lealdades no Espaço Público de Postulação de Interesses Legítimos
O Conteúdo Essencial do Direito Fundamental à Integridade Psíquica no Meio Ambiente de Trabalho na perspectiva do Assédio Moral Organizacional
O Conteúdo Essencial do Direito ao Trabalho Sadio e os Limites da Livre Iniciativa: o Caso dos Provadores de Cigarros na Indústria do Tabaco
Estado Administrativo, Poder Legislativo e a Releitura do Princípio da Separação de Poderes
Modelo de Concessão de Serviços Públicos e o Novo Marco Regulatório do Setor Portuário
O processo de produção normativa tributária infralegal como instrumento de intervenção regulatória: mecanismos e impactos
Especulação no Mercado Futuro de Commodities Agrícolas e o Papel da Regulação Governamental e da Autorregulação da BM&FBOVESPA
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