The Inadequacy of the Organic Independence Structure of the Federal Regulatory Agencies against Partisan Political Interference
Mots-clés :
regulation, technicity, regulatory agencies, organic independence, legal regulatory theoriesRésumé
Purpose ”“ This article relates state administrative structure as a merely formal means of dominance of technicality and the actual presentation of federal regulatory agencies as a place of political partisan indications for the board of directors.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ The article is based on theoretical basis and has empirical data collected in relation to the nominations of the members of the board of
directors of the regulatory agencies. Researches were carried out by the Group of Relations between State and Private Enterprises (GRP), of the Law School of Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV”“SP) and is based on possible solutions presented on a chapter of the publication Desafios da Nação, of the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA).
Findings ”“ The analysis considers that for the legal administrative structure to maintain the organic independence of regulatory agencies, it is not sufficient to maintain the predominance of the technical discretion, in detriment of the political partisan bias, within the federal regulatory agencies.
Originality/value ”“ The subject is relevant as agencies are continuingly being created, such as the National Mining Agency, and criticism to political partisan indications to agencies’ board of directors are common, as publicized by the media, or by the public servants of the agencies and by the academic community. There is a diversity of data available regarding the subject and the article presents its originality on the approach of relating data with legal theories of regulation that may be applicable to the analysis.
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