Speculation in the agricultural commodities futures market and the role played by government regulation and BM&FBOVESPA self-regulation
Palabras clave:
regulação governamental, autorregulação, mercado futuro, commodities agrícolas, especulaçãoResumen
Purpose ”“ This study tackles the relationship between the agricultural commodities price increase and the financial speculation in the commodities exchange (BM&FBOVESPA), and the role of government regulation and self-regulation on that arena.
Methodology/approach/design ”“ At first, it seeks to portray the problem and establish a possible relationship of cause and effect between speculation and price increases. In a second moment, it analyzes the government regulation and the implications in having the same regulatory body - BM&FBOVESPA - responsible for creating rules and simultaneously participates in the market.
Findings ”“ As a result, this study affirms the complementarity between the two forms of regulation, the persistent confusion between them and the need for rather addressing the nature of the rules than its source organization.
Practical implications ”“ With this, I hope to contribute with new areas of discussion about commodity futures trading regulation, emphasizing deeper institutional analysis, as well as the importance of quality of established rules and the complementarity between different forms of regulation.
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